Don't Rock The Boat


As part of our year we supported in the development and made events for Don't Rock The Boat which aired on ITV.

With a strange year we have been very proud to be able to help add to the creation of Don't Rock The Boat.

South Shore production made this show for ITV, During the organisation and production we have been proud to have added input and help the show come to peoples homes.

Our role was putting together the challenges during the celebrities amazing achievement.

Quote from 

Andrew Mackenzie, CEO South Shore productions

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thanks for everything you’ve done on Don’t Rock The Boat. It’s added so much to the show and it was a real pleasure working with you. Your flexibility and understanding of the production process was massively appreciated and we all felt incredibly safe in your hands.

A summer of fun to remember traveling the length of the UK planning and setting up challenges for "Dont Rock the Boat" ITV's new series with South Shore productions was a summer to remember getting to work alongside some of the most professional and hard working in TV!

We were asked by South shore challenge team (who had the most amazing imagination) to set up challenges for teams to safely complete from the Pembrokshire West Wales to Lochleaven in the top of Scotland.

Each challenge had to be original and as natural as possible.

 5 challenges, 2 teams and a very strong staff team supported the production.

Why not come and experience any of these adventure challenges with your work colleagues. With Covid changing the way we work to homeworking for lots, the chance to see your team is less. What a great way to get the team face to face! Or why not try some of our many adventures.

From here we have been asked to support a number of other very large productions.

Don't rock the boat Red team

Red team

Dont rock the boat Blue team

Blue team

Rigging ropes for Don't rock the boat
Camera man safety on cliff edge.
Fleur West kitted up and ready to go
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