
Corporate team building

We can provide you with a corporate training package that will suit your development needs.

Corporate group activities have been a regular feature in the Adventure Beyond calendar since the company was established in 1997. Since then we have continually developed our corporate training packages to meet the needs of our clients.

Team bonding

What makes Adventure Beyond different to other training organisations?

Apart from our highly motivated team of Outdoor Instructors, Adventure Beyond also draws upon a team with real life corporate experiences from the military, police, television and business sectors. All of our corporate training staff are experts in their field and we also employ educationalists and sports coaches who utilise the latest teaching or learning techniques. We have amalgamated a large amount of corporate training experience over the years and have run numerous highly professional bespoke corporate events for a number of companies.

In addition to our first class staff we have numerous training venues but our training area in Mid Wales is second to none. Despite its rural location we have a dedicated on-site classroom with IT facilities, a field kitchen and toilets, and we utilise high quality corporate training 'equipment'.

So what we have for you is a dynamic corporate training team with extensive experience that also has excellent equipment and facilities to meet the demands of our clients.

Group problem solving

What can we do for you?

We can provide you with a diverse range of training events to suit your needs. If you are a business, a company, a school, a small group or an organisation, then we pride ourselves in delivering a unique corporate experience, the shortest adventure being for a half-day, and the longest taking a week. Contact us to discuss your requirements with a member of the team.

Adventure Racing

What skills can we help you with?

  • Leadership
  • Communication Skills
  • Briefing
  • Goal Setting
  • Delegation
  • Experiential Learning
  • Planning & Reviewing
  • Debriefing
  • Self Confidence
  • Action Planning

Corporate Training

Corporate Introduction

Corporate Training

Team Bonding

Fun events/positive atmosphere

Team Bonding

1 day team building

Team problem solving

1 day team build

Adventure Challenge

Adventure Racing

Adventure Challenge

Over the last year we have all faced challenges with the impact of Covid-19

Although no one knows where this is heading, in the future, we at Adventure beyond believe it is important to be positive and plan for the future. We have seen many adaptations to our running of the business, at the forefront, it has always been positive outlook.

There are so many people and businesses affected it would be impossible to look at every change.

From a personal point of view, there have been increases in mental health worries and fitness levels which further increases the damage the virus has caused even for those who have not contracted it.

From a business point of view, I don't need to explain how this has affected you as all companies have found their own and shared troubles, but there is something that we can offer which might be of interest.

We have spent a lot of time putting into practice, events which allow teams to bond in a way which is difficult at the moment. By being thorough in our delivery and preparation, we have managed to mitigate exposure as best as we can. Allowing teams to feel part of the team and share experiences together bring a sense of place, increasing spirits and uniting teams together.

By having an event, there are so many positive outcomes just by having something to look forward to will increase staff moral. But on a personal note, the physical activity will be a benefit not only physically, but most definately mentally, whist as a company, the benefits of having a motivated, happy team are priceless.

Previous corporate clients include:

Ministry of defence
Red Bull
Twentieth Century Fox
i Hasco
Arriva trains Wales
Cotswold outdoor
TATA Steel
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